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Learning by doing.

Our training concept.

Foto André Jesus

"Wer aufhört, besser zu werden, hat aufgehört, gut zu sein!"
Prof. Phillip Rosenthal 
Wir bei der FireToolBox glauben, dass nachhaltige Erfolge in der Vegetationsbrandbekämpfung nur durch Erweitern der eigenen Leistungsfähigkeit erzielt werden können. Aus diesem Grund haben wir unser Ausbildungskonzept in drei Stufen gegliedert, welche eine kontinuierliche Erfahrungserweiterung ermöglichen.

Vegetation fire basics - The one-day workshop to get you started.

Germany is a wildfire country! Firefighters must speak the same language across the surrounding areas, and standard terms and the LACES scheme are an important part of this.


Furthermore, working efficiently with tools, extinguishing backpacks and fire flaps is elementary and is part of the knowledge of every firefighter. The advantages and disadvantages of the pump & roll extinguishing method and knowledge of the three phases of post-extinguishing work round off this training course for squad leaders.

Time frame: one-day seminar with eight teaching units, divisible into several module

Requirements: physical fitness and full protective equipment

Durchführung: Aufgrund der Witterung ausschließlich von Anfang Mai bis Ende September möglich.

Through advanced training, firefighters are also able to independently transfer the knowledge to their departments. Knowledge can only be retained through regular training!


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The unit leader in vegetation fires - advanced training for group leaders.

The squad leader must be able to assess the scene quickly and organize the team efficiently. Building on the basic knowledge, we work with our pocket card system and make initial forecasts for the spread of fire.


In scenario training, the limits of the available resources are discussed and the processing of the safety standard is practiced.

Time frame: one-day seminar with eight teaching units, some content can be presented online

Requirements: Basic knowledge of wildland firefighting (also possible with other organizations), complete protective equipment

Durchführung: Ganzjährig möglich


Learning by doing - Our training concept for firefighters.

We adapt our training to your knowledge and needs in order to make wildland firefighting safer and more efficient for you.

The incident commander decides! Mastering dynamic operational situations for leaders.

Wind-driven wildfires over several hectares or forest fires in areas that are difficult to access cause more and more damage and require a large-scale deployment of resources


These operational situations must be countered by forecasting fire factors and the systematic use of different operational tactics. Furthermore, aspects of logistics and cooperation with, for example, air units or other organizations are discussed

Time frame: Day seminar with eight teaching units

Requirements: Basic knowledge of wildland firefighting, leadership position at unit or cross-regional level

Durchführung: Ganzjährig möglich

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